Troubleshoot Upload/Processing Video Page
If you're experiencing an Upload Error or Processing Error with your video, please email us at, including the following relevant information.
Last updated
If you're experiencing an Upload Error or Processing Error with your video, please email us at, including the following relevant information.
Last updated
Please try to include screenshots, screen recordings, and video links to help us better understand what you're experiencing on your end. *Please note that our AI performs best with unedited footage in 1080p resolution at 30 or 60 FPS.* Upload Error
Can you please detail the following to help us understand the root cause of the issue:
On the network side:
What device are you using for the uploads? (mobile vs. desktop)
If Mobile, can you detail the make and model of the phone?
If Desktop, can you detail the browser (chrome vs. safari etc etc)
Are you uploading on Wifi or cell service?
If Wifi, is it a home network? What speed do you typically observe?
On the video recording side:
What is the resolution and frame rate of your video?
Processing Error There might be videos that cannot be processed by the AI, this happens after the upload is done, and you should have received an email update about it. If so, please forward us the email you received regarding the processing error, ensuring that it includes the Video ID located at the bottom of the email. Additionally, check your video for any changes in quality or issues around the timestamp mentioned in the email. Also, please share the following answers to the questions below:
Which device did you use for recording?
Did you use any video editing software post recording?
Was this video live streamed?