Understanding Balltime's Box Score Stats
Here is a quick explainer of how to read Balltime's Box Score Stats, and what they mean!
K | Kill | An attack by a player that is not returnable by the receiving player on the opposing team and leads directly to a point or loss of rally |
E | Error | An attack error (E) is charged to a player whenever an attack or attacker: (1) Hits the ball out of bounds. (2) Hits the ball into the net resulting in a four-hit violation. (3) Is blocked down by the opposition to the same side as the attacker, and cannot be kept in play as a direct result of the block |
TA | Total Attempt | Player attempts to attack (hit strategically) the ball into the opponent's court. The ball may be spiked, set, tipped or hit as an overhead contact. There are three possible outcomes of an attack attempt. 1-kill 2- error 3- attempt (an attack not resulting in a kill or an error). |
Atk% | Attack Percentage | Equation of hitter efficiency (Kills – Errors)/Total Attempts (K-E / TA) |
SA | Service Ace | Player serves the ball and the opposing team is unable to pass it. An ace occurs when the ball either hits the ground or is shanked off of a passer making a second touch impossible |
SE | Service Error | A serving error is a charged to a player if: 1. The serve hits or fails to go over the net 2. The serve goes out-of-bounds 3. The server is called for a foot or time violation 4. The server serves out of rotation. |
TA | Total Attempts | A service attempt is given any time a player attempts to serve the ball or when a player is given a Service Ace or Service Error. |
Pct | Serving Percentage | Equation of server efficiency (Service Aces – Service Errors)/Total Attempts (SA-SE / TA) |
3 | 3-Point Rating on a 0-3 Scale. | 3-Point Pass is awarded to a pass that results in the setter being able to set all three attackers. Usually a 3-Point Pass is one that would land in-front of the 10 ft line in the middle of the net, and is at least antenna height. |
2 | 2-Point Rating on a 0-3 Scale. | 2-Point Pass is awarded to a pass that results in the setter being able to set two attackers (typically the Pin attackers). Usually a 2-Point Pass is one that would land close to the 10 ft line or further off the net, in the middle of the court. |
1 | 1-Point Rating on a 0-3 Scale. | 1-Point Pass is awarded to a pass that results in the setter only being able to set one attacker (typically a Pin attacker). Usually a 1-Point Pass is one that would land beyond the 10 ft line. |
0 | 0-Point Rating on a 0-3 Scale. | 0-Point Pass represents a passer who got aced - a pass in which no other teammate is able to play the ball. |
TA | Total Attempts | Culmination of all pass attempts (3-2-1-0) |
Pass% | Passer Percentage | An equation of passers efficiency. Sum of all the pass quality ratings divided by the Total Attempts. Example - Passes; 3, 1, 2, 3, 0 = 9 / 5 = Pass % |
Ast | Assist | Anytime a set, pass, or dig to a player results in that teammate attacking the ball for a kill |
TA | Total Set Attempts | Anytime a set, pass, or dig to a player results in that teammate attacking the ball |
Dig | Dig | A dig is only awarded when a player successfully plays a ball that has been determined to be an attack attempt by the opponent |
Last updated